Forest Haven Eco Village Tour
September 2022 | Maclean Hill, NSW, Australia
Jagera is a community of like-hearted people caring for nature and each other, who are creating a small eco-village on a sunny hillside in Maclean, overlooking the Clarence River.
Ozgreen partnered with Jagera Community to host an Eco-Village tour. RC participants Eshana and Peter opened their home to 21 participants, and shared stories and wisdom from their 30 year journey to create an eco-home and surrounding regenerating forest. In the afternoon the group toured the nearby site of their approved ecovillage, the Jagera EcoCommunity located in Maclean, Yaegl Country in the Clarence Valley and heard of their dreams to make the eco-village an exemplar for how new communities might be designed, sharing infrastructure and resources within a new sustainable paradigm.
Outputs and Outcomes
1 event
21 participants
Landscape restoration
Eco Village discussions
Community Connection