Lavenders Bridge Tree project

A group of community members and organisations are coming together to regenerate a very prominent section at Lavenders Bridge and Bellingen Skatepark.

Since April 2024, the group has planted 400 trees and plants and regenerated a 50m stretch of the riverbank on the Bellinger River over three community events.

This initiative has been supported by Inspiring Australia as part of National Science Week.


OzGREEN would like to thank the supporting organisations that have helped make this project possible in 2024.


Community events we have run so far to support this site include:

Join us!

BECOME A lavenders bridge tree HELPER!

We are looking to build a cohort of β€˜helpers’ for this project - people who attend events at the site and support the planting by planting, weeding, mulching and watering the trees. Helpers may also support as event volunteers - at stalls, on the bbq or with setup/packdown.

Thank you so much to the people who have worked together to make this project happen for the community!

We know we have missed alot of you in this list! Please register here so that we can contact you about future events :)

  • Ahlia D.

  • Alex M.

  • Amisha S.

  • Andrew M.

  • Andrew Y.

  • Anna B.

  • Anna Jo.

  • Anna Ju.

  • Anne-Marie B.

  • Anton Ju.

  • Brentyn L.

  • Bronwyn N.

  • Caleb D.

  • Callie H.

  • Cassandra V.

  • Daisy S.

  • Dean K.

  • Dominique R.

  • Ellen F.

  • Ellie T.

  • Evelyn B.

  • Geordy.P

  • Henare D.

  • Ivy D.

  • Jade T.

  • Jaid R.

  • Jason E.

  • Jessica B.

  • Jonathan W.

  • Josh I.

  • Judi W.

  • Justine E.

  • Justin L.

  • Kaean F.

  • Kim B.

  • Kylie. S

  • Laura B.

  • Leah C.

  • Leena M.

  • Liloumina B.

  • Lily K.

  • Lindy V.

  • Lynette J.

  • Maaike L.

  • Marg. C

  • Marie B.

  • Mary-Claire K.

  • Maaike. L.

  • Mary M.

  • Melanie K.

  • Michael J.

  • Michael M.

  • Michael P.

  • Mickayla C.

  • Miranda C.

  • Nic D.

  • Ottilie B.

  • Patrick B.

  • Philippa H.

  • Renee G.

  • Rick M.

  • Samantha D.

  • Samantha P.

  • Samsara S.

  • Skye C.

  • Stacey H.

  • Steve D.

  • Susan L.

  • Susan P.

  • Tali K.

  • Thalia S.

  • Tom W.

  • Veronica G.

  • Wendy F.

JOIN THE steering group

Our steering group formed in February 2024 and is working towards the following annual rhythm of events to help maintain the planting at Lavenders Bridge:

  1. Sep - Seedlings’n’Soul

  2. Nov - Mulch’n’Mashups

  3. Feb - Mulching afternoon

  4. Apr - Riveryouthfest 

We meet three times a year to help guide these events, in August, October and March.

To join the steering group, please complete the form below:

  • Michael Mooney

    Coordinator, Bellingen Youth Hub

  • Susan Lumsdaine

    President, Bellinger Agricultural Society

  • Tali Kreiger

    Secretary, Bellinger Agricultural Society

  • Andrew Yager

    Project Manager, Bellinger Landcare

  • Justine Elder

    Elder Enviro

  • Mary-Claire King


  • Geordy Pearce

    Headspace Coffs Harbour


Support us to do our important work.