Volunteer with Us
We invite volunteers to join us and support and help to guide the work we do.
Complete the form below and we will be in contact with you shortly.
More about our Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer with the Lavenders Group Tree Project
A group of community members and organisations are coming together to regenerate a keysection of the riverbank at Lavenders Bridge and Bellingen Skatepark.
Volunteer with the Rethink Waste Program
A group of volunteers that come together at major events to reduce waste and educate patrons towards a zero waste future.
Volunteer with the Macro Muster Program
Twice a year, community members and scientists come together to test for waterbugs at six sites along the Bellinger and Kalang catchments.
Volunteer with the Water Quality Monitoring Program
Once a month, community volunteers, school and partners work together to test and share water quality monitoring data for 15 sites across the Bellinger and Kalang catchments.
Volunteer with the Steering Group for Events for Women
This group of women, girls and non-binary people meets to steer the direction of OzGREENβs events and resources for women.
Volunteer with the Steering group for events for Youth
This group of young people, community members and partners meets to steer the direction of OzGREENβs events and resources for young people.
Volunteer with the OzGREEN Fundraising Group
This group meets to guide OzGREENβs Fundraising initiatives to help us continue our important work.