Empowering regional girls, and gender diverse people on the Mid North Coast by connecting them with STEM professionals, inspiring them to see themselves thriving in STEM fields in the future.

  • Explore Possibilities

    Dive into the incredible diversity of STEM careers and uncover pathways.

  • Learn from Experts

    See how STEM makes a real difference in solving the world’s challenges.

  • Build Confidence

    Discover how girls, and gender diverse people can thrive in STEM by breaking down barriers.

  • Connect with Peers

    Join over a hundred likeminded girls and gender diverse people at the conference.


  • Escape the museum

    A logic puzzle-based activity presented in the style of an escape room.

  • Creative Chemistry

    Don lab coats and mix liquids, making bubbling concoctions and colour changing creations to investigate the ins and outs of different chemical reactions, and how they relate to our every-day lives.

  • Magic of Physics

    Using science, we can make things float in the air, see things that are otherwise invisible, and control different aspects of the world around us using different types of energy.

  • Crime Scene Investigation

    This activity will engage students with age appropriate mysteries for them to solve, using clues, tools, and critical thinking. This activity will introduce students to a range of different techniques that detectives and forensic scientists use.


  • National marine science centre

  • Fossil interaction experience

  • University of New England

  • Southern Cross University

  • Charles Sturt University

  • Inspiring Australia

  • Australian Defence Force

  • Ngiyambandigay Wajaarr Aboriginal Corporation

  • Headspace Coffs Harbour

  • “A key to engaging girls in STEM is making connections between school and their lives beyond school.”

    - Invergowrie STEM Report ¹

Calling for partners

Would you like to partner with us on this event?

The STEM Conference for Regional Girls will open participant's eyes to real-world application of STEM knowledge.

Together, we can empower the next generation to fall in love with STEM and build a more diverse, innovative, and sustainable future.

Whether its sponsoring regional students to attend, covering transport costs, running a STEM activity or workshop, hosting a stall at our expo, or supporting event promotion…

Every contribution helps inspire the next generation of STEM leaders.


  • “The number of girls undertaking [STEM] subjects at school has been declining at an alarming rate, significantly contributing to an under representation of women in careers in these areas.”

    - Invergowrie STEM Report ¹

  • “If girls and women are not encouraged to engage with STEM now they will be at greater risk of becoming excluded from a substantial part of the workforce of the future.”

    - Invergowrie STEM Report ¹

  • “An estimated 75% of the fastest growing occupations will require STEM related skills and knowledge.”

    - Invergowrie STEM Report ¹

  • “STEM based employment is projected to grow at almost twice the pace of other occupations.”

    - Australian Academy of Technological Science & Engineering²

  • “Critical thinking, problem-solving, analytic capabilities, curiosity and imagination are identified as critical ‘survival skills’ in the workplace of the future.”

    - Invergowrie STEM Report ¹

  • “25% of employers found a lack of available applicants with STEM skills to be the greatest barrier to recruiting staff.”

    - Australia’s STEM Workforce: A Survey of Employers ³

A heartfelt thanks to the Toyota Community Trust for their generous contribution to this event. Your support has been instrumental in making this possible.

Thanks to partnerships like this, young people in our region gain access to meaningful opportunities like this.

Find out more about the Toyota Community Trust’s amazing work in the STEM field.

Major Sponsor