Orama Tree Planting Workshops

May 2023 | Thora, NSW, Australia

Experiential opportunities aimed at increasing wellbeing and environmental leadership.

We partnered with Bellingen Shire Council and Bellinger Landcare to deliver two riparian tree planting workshops, where bush regenerator Andrew Yager, educated 65 students on the history of the local riparian ecosystem, and the importance of habitat restoration for turtles and other native fauna. Participants learned practical skills in revegetation methods, invasive weed management, and planted over 300 native species.


of participants felt more connectedness after this activity.


of participants felt more enthusiastic from this activity.

  • "The Riverwatch team delivered an engaging and varied experience for a large group of primary school students. The team were perfectly organised and had the resources to allow students to get into nature and enjoy learning about the natural ecosystem. Students were busy planting native vegetation, identifying and removing invasive weeds and had smiles from ear to ear throughout the whole day thanks to the engaging presenters and leaders. We'd happily come along to another day like this!"

    - Luke Stanley, Teacher, Repton Public School

Outputs and Outcomes

  • 2 workshops

  • 65 participants

  • Connections amongst Bellingen Riverwatch volunteers, community members and partners strengthened.


(Orama and repton schools logo)


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