Macro Muster 3
October 2022 | Arthur Keoughs Reserve & Bellingen Showground, Bellingen, NSW Australia
We brought community members together to complete a full count of the waterbugs at multiple sites across the Bellinger and Kalang catchments to support the recovery of the Bellinger River Snapping Turtle.
45 community members collected macroinvertebrates and came together to identify species and upload data. We are striving for an accurate waterbug count with this program. We also hosted a Q&A panel with scientists from the Bellingen Riverwatch Steering Committee as part of this event.
Participants felt more connected to the environment from this activity.
Participants had an increased understanding and knowledge about the plant, animal or macroinvertebrate species that rely on our rivers.

2 events
45 participants
11 partnerships
Connections amongst community members strengthened.
Community members contributed to their community in a meaningful way.
Residents living in isolated and remote valleys connected and engaged with their community.
Bellingen Riverwatch partnerships were strengthened.
National Waterbug Blitz
North Coast Local Land Services
NSW Waterwatch
Bellinger Landcare
EnviroComm Connections