February- June 2024 | Coffs Harbour, NSW
myhive was created to promote positive wellbeing for young people in Coffs Harbour and surrounds through unique weekly sessions and activities.
Sessions were curated to promote nature connection, positive wellbeing and to create new relationships. Each week, we explored the groups creativity, opinions and everyones unique personality through a variety of activities, challenges and topics - from growing our own micro-greens, to learning how to build our own shelters.
Outputs and Outcomes
18 Sessions
Almost all participants felt more connected to other young people through this program
86% of participants said that this program made them feel happier
71% of participants said that this program made them feel more confident
57% of participants felt that this program gave them a voice and made them feel heard.
This is a Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund project through the joint Commonwealth/State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. Although funding for this product has been provided by both the Australian and NSW Governments, the material contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of either government.