Macro Muster 6 Interschool Highschools Day

May 2024 | Lavenders Bridge, Bellingen, NSW Australia

We delivered an Interschool River Fun Day at Lavenders Bridge for year nine students from Bellingen High School and Dorrigo High School. Through informative, hand’s on activities, immersion in beautiful landscapes, and unique games, participants gained a deep connection with the river and built relationships with students from other schools in the shire.


of participants felt more connected to their community


of participants felt they had gained new knowledge and skills to help protect the rivers of the Bellingen Shire

  • "This was so much fun, i loved spending the day outside".

    - Participant


  • 1 event

  • 62 participants

  • 3 partners

  • 2 volunteers

  • Connections amongst young people, and partners strengthened.

Project Partners

  • North Coast Local Land Services

  • NSW Waterwatch

  • Woolworths

This event is being part-funded by the DPE Flood Recovery Water Quality Monitoring Project, delivered through the NSW Environment Protection Authority's Flood Recovery Program for Water Quality Monitoring, in partnership with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. The Program is jointly funded by the Australian and NSW Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements. This event is supported by the Bellingen Shire Council and the NSW Department of Planning and Environment and it’s Saving our Species Program.

  • Affirmations Publishing House

  • Apex Enviro Solutions

  • Bellinger Landcare

  • Bellingen High School

  • Dorrigo high School


Macro Muster 6, May 2024 | 1 event | 24 participants


Rethink Waste at Bellingen Show, May 2024 | 1 event | 25 volunteers | 1397 conversations about waste