Rethink Waste at Bellingen Show
May 2024 | Bellingen, NSW, Australia
Upon the success of the 2023 Bellingen Show, the Rethink Team were back supporting the big event in 2024. Working alongside the show team to divert as much waste as possible from landfill and designing interactive bin stations to help educate event goers around waste.
Volunteers from the local community provided legs on the ground to man the stations and help people sort their waste. This hands on approached successfully reduced 58% of waste heading to landfill compared to 2023. With a whopping 4500L composted or recycled as a result.
58% LESS
waste heading to landfill
4500 L
of materials composted or recycled
Over 1397
conversations with people about sorting waste!
Outputs and Outcomes
2 day event
5 bin stations
25 volunteers
3 partnerships
58% less waste than in 2023
4500L materials composted or recycled
Rethink Waste Staff conducting a bin audit of an unattended red bin.
Chrysalis Steiner School