Rethink Waste at Camp Creative

January 2024 | Bellingen, NSW, Australia

OzGREEN teamed up with Camp Creative at Party in the Park in 2024. We organised two bin stations that were designed to educate people on where to put their rubbish. We engaged members of the local community to help run the stations with the aim of reducing the amount of waste that was sent to landfill.

The party and collaboration was a great success with 80% LESS waste going to landfill.

80% LESS

waste heading to landfill

440 L

of compostable materials DIVERTED from landfill.


conversations with people about sorting waste!

  • "I can't believe how much waste is in the compost and recycling, to think all that would've gone in the red bin."

    - Volunteer

  • "In the pursuit of a sustainable future, we believe that addressing and minimising waste is crucial. By prioritising waste reduction this year, we aim to contribute to a healthier planet, promote responsible consumption, and inspire positive change within our community and beyond."

    - Nicole Ruigrok, Camp Creative Coordinator

  • "That all goes in the compost? Really? Even the plate and cutlery? If it's feeding the worms I'll go for seconds."

    - Attendee

  • "You've inspired me to restart my old compost pile again, save me filling up my red bin at home."

    - Attendee

Outputs and Outcomes

  • 1 event

  • 2 bin stations

  • 5 volunteers

  • 80% LESS waste generated

  • 300 L co-mingled recycling saved from landfill

  • 440 L compostable materials were redirected from landfill



Bellingen Riverwatch Focus Group, feb 2024 | 1 event | 8 Volunteers