About Us
OUR mission is to create vibrant, sustainable and resilient regional communities.
We know that a healthy environment and connected communities are essential for this.
We deliver programs, events and resources to reduce waste, protect rivers, plant trees, increase wellbeing and encourage people into STEM.
We deliver waste and re-use projects to redirect waste from landfill and build skills towards a zero waste future.
We deliver river health workshops and projects to collect citizen science data and educate communities about protecting rivers.
We coordinate tree planting projects and events to engage communities in revegetating the environment.
We host walks, camps, events and groups to increase wellbeing - connecting people with nature and each other, building capacity, confidence and motivation.
We deliver events that encourage people into stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) for our planetβs future.
We employ and mentor
regional people
With a particular focus on regional young people and regional women.
What We do
Employ young people
Mentor regional people
how we work
We work across five interconnected and interdependent focus areas.
We align ourselves with the bigger picture.
We design action-focused programs.
We host experiential, inclusive events.
We build relationships with our participants, volunteers and partners.
We gather feedback, and actually listen to it.
We work with communities over a long period of time to achieve a deeper impact.
We create a share free resources.
River youthfest
rethink waste at the bellingen show
Macro Muster 8
stem conference for regional girls
bellingen film lovers fundraiser
Water Quality Monitoring Program
rethink waste schools
Youth Leading the World
award-winning programs
Our programs and events have been recognised nationally and internationally.
A team led by love for Planet Earth.
Our passionate and dedicated staff and volunteers are the heartbeat of OzGREEN.
They are fuelled by a drive to help foster positive change that supports the protection all life on Earth.
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We define sustainability holistically
We see sustainability as a balance of human, social, economic, and environmental vitality.
Our statement of objects guide us in all that we do.
To promote ecologically sustainable development in Australia and globally to achieve equity for present and future generations and preserve ecological integrity and biological diversity.
To alleviate poverty by providing assistance to communities who suffer from the effects of polluted water in developing countries.
To promote informed community participation in the management of water resources through the provision of environmental education, monitoring and training programs.
To assist communities to develop strategies and to implement the actions needed to protect and restore the environment.
To promote networking between groups involved in environmental education, protection and restoration activities.
To promote inter cultural communication and understanding.
To foster the awareness of the global context of local environmental issues.
To promote ideas and actions which will enhance peoples understanding of the interdependence of all life on Planet Earth.
To seek donations, sponsorships and grants in pursuance of the objects of the Association.
To produce and distribute environmental education resources in support of the objects of the Association.
Some highlights from our 30-year storyβ¦
Freshwater High School science teacher, Sue Lennox, and her year nine students win a United Nations Media Peace Prize for their environmental river work at Curl Curl Lagoon.
Sue Lennox and her husband Colin leave their jobs as teachers and establish OzGREEN with the intention of empowering and supporting young people to care for their local environment.
1992 - 2007
OzGREEN designs and develops a suite of award winning programs:
My River
Youth Lead
Youth Leading the World
OzGREEN relocates from Sydney to Bellingen.
2008 - 2015
OzGREEN develops relationships with people and organisations on the North and Mid North Coast and continues to deliver its flagship programs.
Following a mass mortality event that killed approximately 90% of the Bellinger River Snapping turtle population, OzGREEN works with government and other organisations to establish Bellingen Riverwatch, a citizen science water quality monitoring program.
2016 - 2018
OzGREEN continues to deliver Bellingen Riverwatch, but otherwise, beomes dormant while Sue Lennox grieves the sudden passing of her husband.
Sue Lennox invites Anton Juodvalkis to become OzGREENβs Chief Executive Officer.
Pilots Resilient Communities, a community resilience program with 8 groups, involving 145 participants in Bellingen Shire.
Pilots a Riverbank Restoration program, planting 300 trees on the Bellinger River.
Launches Bellingen Riverwatchβs macroinvertebrate monitoring program (requested by the turtle recovery team).
Delivers Resilient Communities in the Byron Shire.
Delivers MyRiver in Coffs Harbour.
Delivers Youth Leading the World camp in Dorrigo.
Delivers Changemakers as a follow up program to Youth Leading the World.
Delivers Food Resilience Vision for Bellingen Shire.
Pilots a range of Nature Connection events for adults.
Expands its Resilient Communities program to Kempsey Shire, Nambucca Shire, Coffs Harbour, Clarence Valley, Kyogle Shire and Richmond Valley.
Partners with local psychologists to deliver a personal resilience program.
Launches Rethink Waste, initially focussed on single-use plastic and then expanding to many types of waste.
Delivers its inaugral Thrive Festival in partnership with community.
Employs its second Youth Activities Coordinator.
Commences its Youth Inspiring Youth project.
Pilots a range of Nature Connection events for young people.
Pilots Campme, a wellbeing camp for young people.
Pilots waste workshops with schoo groups.
Works with a vast number of community partners to launch Riveryouthfest, a youth-focused tree planting project at the Bellingen Skatepark.
Pilots myhive in Coffs Harbour.
Anton Juodvalkis invites Kathleen Hannah and Amy Denshire to become OzGREENβs Co-Chief Executive Officers.
Partner with Us
We partner with government, philanthropic, corporate and community organisations to create positive change in the world.
Contact Amy, our Co-CEO, to design a mutually beneficial partnership today.