We’ve heard the call.

Regional communities are facing social and environmental challenges like never before.

join our mission

stand up for thriving regional communities

Become a member

regional communities need us now.

By joining OzGREEN as a member, you increase our impact as a member-based organisation that has been working to empower communities to increase their wellbeing, capacity and action since 1992.

Why become a member?

As an OzGREEN member, you have a say in how OzGREEN is run by voting at our Annual General Meetings and electing our Board.

Enjoy a monthly members-only newsletter where we tell our members about our events first!

We cannot do the work we do without people like you. All membership fees, donations drive positive change towards a brighter, more sustainable and thriving future for people and environment in regional communities.


If you have any questions about membership, please contact Sam.

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Please purchase by 31st October annually to renew your membership.

Note - Membership is subject to approval by the board.

“Individually, we one drop, but together we are an ocean.”

Ryunosuke Satoro

Our objects

Our Statement of Objects guides us in all that we do.

  • To promote ecologically sustainable development in Australia and globally to achieve equity for present and future generations and preserve ecological integrity and biological diversity.

  • To alleviate poverty by providing assistance to communities who suffer from the effects of polluted water in developing countries.

  • To promote informed community participation in the management of water resources through the provision of environmental education, monitoring and training programs.

  • To assist communities to develop strategies and to implement the actions needed to protect and restore the environment.

  • To promote networking between groups involved in environmental education, protection and restoration activities.

  • To promote inter cultural communication and understanding.

  • To foster the awareness of the global context of local environmental issues.

  • To promote ideas and actions which will enhance peoples understanding of the interdependence of all life on Planet Earth.

  • To seek donations, sponsorships and grants in pursuance of the objects of the Association.

  • To produce and distribute environmental education resources in support of the objects of the Association.