My River is an environmental education program for schools that sees students test the health of the river and innovate solutions to improve river health.
‘My River’ supports young people to :
Become citizen scientists and identify key environmental threats
Develop a vision for the environment and community of a healthy waterway
Implement their own action plans to sustain the health of their local waterways
Key Activities
One day field work per school, conducting snapshot of ecosystem health (water quality testing, flow, biodiversity, and community attitude surveys).
Students analyse field data, identify ecological threats and values, develop a river vision and action plans.
2-hour forum facilitated by students to report back the results of their investigations, vision and action plans and engage community support.
Presentation by students to report back the results of their investigations, vision and action plans.
Young people implement action plans with OzGREEN mentoring and support.
Since 2002, OzGREEN has involved over 60 regional communities and 6,000 young people in My River in the Brisbane, Bremer, Murray-Darling, Hunter, Cooks, Georges, Nepean, Onkaparinga, Yarra and Derwent River basins and internationally in India, East Timor, Pakistan and Central America.
Youth participation in real world science.
Youth voice and vision for the future of their river.
Innovative action plans developed to achieve this vision.
Strengthened youth capacity to measure, analyse, reflect, plan, vision and act.
Strengthened whole catchment thinking and links between schools and their communities.
Increased commitment to environmental stewardship and water conservation.
Increased active youth participation in the democratic process and civil society.
The My River process builds collaborative relationships with indigenous leaders, business, government, non-government organisations, local communities, young people, schools and adults. Case studies from OzGREEN’s Australian and International programs, enable young people to gain first hand understanding of the global nature of local challenges.

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