Equipment :

  • 60ml glass Dissolved Oxygen bottle

  • Alkaline Potassium Iodide Azide (No.2 solution)

  • Distilled water

  • Gloves

  • Glass vial with plastic lid with hole

  • Liquid waste container

  • Paper towel

  • Pink green syringe

  • Pipette

  • Manganeous Sulfate (No. 1 solution)

  • Safety glasses

  • Sulfuric Acid (No. 3 solution)


No. 1 solution can irritate eyes and skin.

No.2 solution can cause severe burns and is poisonous if swallowed.

No. 3 solution will cause severe burns, ingestion may be fatal and inhalation can cause coughing and chest problems.


Complete immediately!

This test should be performed immediately after collection.

Hold solutions vertically

It is important to hold the droppers vertically above the test bottles, not at an angle. The droppers have been specifically calibrated to deliver exact amounts of the solution when they are held vertically. If they are held at an angle, they will deliver less solution.

Do not allow the droppers to touch the test bottles

This will contaminate the droppers.

1. Set up your table and lay paper towel down on your table.

2. Use level to make sure the table is level.

There should be a small level in your kit to help ensure you are working on a flat surface.

3. Important - Shake the bottle vigorously with the cap on.

4. Remove lid from glass Dissolved Oxygen sampling bottle.

5. Hold over the waste container to conduct test.

Do not conduct tests over your lap. Make sure no-one is sitting / standing under the bottle.

6. Hold chemical bottle No. 1 solution vertically and add 8 drops.

7. Important - Shake the bottle vigorously again with the cap on.

8. Hold chemical bottle No. 2 solution vertically and add 8 drops.

Once you complete this step, a precipitate will form in the bottle.

9. Wipe the bottle, then recap the glass sample bottle and invert several times.

10. Stand bottle for precipitate to fall below the shoulder of bottle before proceeding. Allow it to settle.

11. Important - Shake the bottle vigorously again with the cap on to mix in the precipitate.

12. Hold chemical bottle No. 3 solution vertically and add 8 drops.

Once you complete this step a clear-yellow to brown-orange colour will develop.

13. Cap and wipe bottle.

14. Gently mix (invert) bottle until precipitate dissolves (invert until precipitate dissolves or for 5 minutes, whichever is first).

Important - It is very important that all "brown flakes" are dissolved completely. If flakes are not completely dissolved after 5 minutes, add 2 drops of No. 3 solution and continue mixing.

Your sample should now be a orangey/yellow colour with no visible particulates present in it.

The sample is now fixed.

You can complete the rest of the tests at home if you'd like. If so, put all samples in an esky with an ice brick.


  1. Replace all chemicals into blue DO box.

  2. Place fixed sample in esky with cooler (place it inside a plastic cup so it doesn't get broken)