What does the Roving Volunteer role involve?
Roving WQM Tester hold a vital role in the Bellingen Riverwatch program and step in if an Assigned WQM Tester is ill, on holidays or is unable to test their site for any reason.
We do not share kits across sites!!
The biosecurity risk still prevails
We must be very careful with sanitisation to protect our rivers from any potential biosecurity hazards. The Bellinger River Virus responsible for the turtle mortality event in 2015 is still present in the Bellinger River and as such, we never share kits across sites. To help us ensure that following these new sanitisation protocols, we kindly ask that assigned volunteers who know they will be away for a months testing that they bring in their kit to the OzGREEN Office. It is also important for all Roving WQM Testers, to clean and fully dry their gumboots between sessions..